CALGARY – Green Calgary Association, an award-winning charity delivering environmental education programs, is launching a campaign to inspire Calgarians to positive environmental action.

With an aim to educate Calgarians about the environmental impacts of all of their choices, the “Every Action Counts” campaign helps community members to understand the collective impact of the small steps they take each day. “Calgarians are making sustainable choices everyday, even when the environment is not the main motivator,” says Conor Tapp, Executive Director at Green Calgary, “We may ride transit to save on parking, ride a bike for the health benefits, take short showers or use the stairs to save time. Each and every day, millions of sustainable actions are taken in our city. This celebrates all of the little things that we do and the small steps that we take.”

The potential impacts of the campaign are significant. A note from the charity reads, “Imagine if everyone in our metro area  – nearly 1.4 Million people – saved just 100kwh of power each year (that’s 140 gigawatthours of savings!), or took showers that were 90 seconds shorter each day (that’s over six billion litres of water each year!), or what if each of the 1 million cars and trucks registered in our city drove for 10 KM less per week – with us choosing to walk, bike, bus or carpool to our destinations (keeping nearly 251,000 tonnes of CO2 from being released).”

The campaign is launching with the help of some well known and recognizable faces, including CityTV Breakfast Television Host Ted Henley; Members of the Canadian Olympic Team Alex Gough and Alysia Rissling; local entrepreneurs Jill Hawker, Angel Guerra, and Shawn Cable; sustainable fashion designers Ashley and Bonnie Hjorlefison of Geminate Designs, and more. Each contributor, known as an Action Ambassador, will provide tips and videos for Calgarians who are looking for ways to limit their environmental impacts.

All Calgarians are invited to learn more about the campaign, get inspiration and tips for their own environmental actions, and make a donation to support Green Calgary’s award-winning environmental education programs, at

For more information:
Conor Tapp
Executive Director
Green Calgary Association

Originally posted SEPTEMBER 22, 2018


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