Events Go Green! What does "green" event even mean?

With all the events that come with the end of the year, it's a good time to talk about what it means to have a green event!

One of the greatest goals for event greening is high waste reduction and diversion, i.e. reducing waste and diverting it from the landfill. A large part of that effort is about having the proper waste receptacles, having them accessible, and having good signage. Other elements can play a role, too, such as making sure that the event is using more sustainable products wherever possible and having well-trained waste sorters or collectors.

But being a green event means other things, too. For example, an event can purchase renewable energy credits to offset the power that their using from the power grid. Event organizers can also provide water (to avoid single-use water bottles) and refrain from giving out "swag" or other little gifts that might find themselves on the ground or in the landfill.

It might sound like these examples are only for large events and festivals, but you can apply the same ideas to a backyard BBQ, a baby shower, and many other small, personal events. For example, pull out bins for waste, recycling, and organics, and when your guests arrive point out the bins!

How do you green an event?
We have some resources on our website to get you started. If you're hosting a larger event, we can take care of the waste management for you! You can find out more about that here.

All of these ideas are exactly why Green Calgary is running the Every Action Counts campaign. Find out more about the campaign at!

Thank you for reading and be sure to tell us what great event greening ideas you've seen by connecting with us on social media! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Originally posted NOVEMBER 16, 2018


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