This Only Works Together

During a conversation at the GCA offices this week, we were considering some recent events, and remarked on just how important it is to us to collaborate with others, and what collaboration really means.

Saying that we collaborate on something is a good catchall term for partnerships of various kinds, certainly, but it’s also a good way to say that we can do more together than we can apart! This extends to the support of Calgarians, Albertans, and the communities we serve, whether through membership, donations, or volunteering, as well as the many organizations from whom we receive funding, such as the Calgary Foundation, the Alberta EcoTrust Foundation, and TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, only to mention a few.

But, this also extends to all the great organizations that we partner with to deliver programs, such as CAWST, CPAWS (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society), and the Arusha Centre (again naming only a few). Without these partnerships, we wouldn’t be able to reach nearly as many people for whom our work is important.

The recent events that sparked this conversation? Not what you might think. For our Executive Director, Conor, it was attending the Solar Canada Conference this week, and meeting all the enthusiastic solar tech companies who were ready for a conversation about how to improve their field. For me, it was receiving feedback from one of our audience about an error I made in last week’s newsletter (and so, there’s a correction below).

So, I suppose this blog entry is just to say thank you to everyone who supports us, works with us, and shares our green journey! You are all wonderful collaborators! We’d love to hear from you any time, through our social media feeds on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

If you'd like to collaborate even more closely, we're currently recruiting for committees to help us with our programming and our fundraising. Check the links for full info.

Have a great weekend!

Lex van der Raadt
Communications & Community Engagement Specialist
Green Calgary


CORRECTION: The report from the Pembina Institute that appeared in the links in last week’s newsletter was outdated. Much more accurate and recent information on the power distribution in Alberta can be found here. It’s honestly even better news! Thanks to our community member who pointed out the discrepancy and contacted Pembina to find the correct info.

Originally posted JUNE 23, 2018


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