What Powers You?

Being in Alberta, the answer is most often coal, but increasingly other sources of power are becoming prevalent. If we aim high, we could even rid ourselves of coal within 20 years! Back on June 7th, Green Calgary held its 3rd Annual Energy Revolution Fair, a pop-up learning event for students grades 6-12, where we shared many visions of Alberta's Energy Future!

One of our exhibitors was EDP Renewables. As a global renewable energy company, they have great insight into what makes renewable energy successful. They were on site to teach the students about wind power specifically. Wind power is one of the most affordable and fastest growing sources of electricity available today. Students had the opportunity to learn more about the wind energy from the fourth largest owner and operator of wind farms in the world. Some of the questions they answered: how does a wind turbine produce electricity? What goes into building a wind farm? What trends are we seeing in the wind industry? What is it like to work on a wind farm?

We also had SAIT joining us as an exhibitor, bringing their Solar Roller: a fully-functional mobile solar energy trailer. It features a battery-based solar charging system, a computer monitoring station, and lab capabilities for experiential learning. Here, students were able to learn exactly how solar energy is clean and efficient.

Speaking of solar power, have you ever wanted to have solar panels on your house? Maybe on a business or farm property you own? Or, how about just habing that knowledge to share with others? You could learn all about this with the Solar Canada Going Solar Evening. Solar Canada is giving away 100 free tickets to this event to Green Calgary community members (i.e. YOU), and after those 100 is offering a 50% discount on remaining tickets. This is ahead of the Solar Canada Conference this coming week. It's a great way to learn all about solar.

If you're interested in renewable energy and don't know where to get started, or have something cool to share, get in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Originally posted JUNE 16, 2018


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