It's a Bug's Life

Over the past week, we've run two Native Insect Identification Walks in Prince's Island Park. Thanks to our incredible experts, Nick Johnson of Eat My Shrubs Holistic Landscaping and Haydee Peralta, Ecologist and Insect Expert, we were able to take a few dozen brave souls on the journey into the fascinating world of bugs! Nick provided tips and tricks for pesticide free insect management as well as gardening info. Haydee led the insect identification portion. Everyone had fun learning about our buzzing buddies, even if they were unsure at first. There was a couple that were a little scared of bees but by the end of the walk they were confident enough to gently catch and release wasps! That's a big leap! The Bugs in Your Backyard program has been something Green Calgary has been interested in doing for a while now, and we're very pleased to finally get the chance. If you missed the event, that's okay. You can learn a lot on your own, either by checking in with a citizen science program like Bumble Bee Watch or getting insect identifiaction guides out of our Little Green Library. Even better, learn about native pollinators and build a bee house at our Building Bee Homes, August 24th and August 31st! We'll be sure to let you know if we'll be running another of these programs soon. If you were on the walk, please reach out and tell us your thoughts!

Originally posted AUGUST 13, 2018


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