4 Ways the World is Changing for the Better

We’ve all seen the terrible stuff in the news about how the world is getting worse, but what about all the ways that things are getting better? We have lots to celebrate – and lots to fight for – right at our fingertips. So, follow us in learning more about how the world is becoming a bit of a greener place:

1. Transit Habits. People are losing their tight ties to their cars as our city becomes friendlier to alternate modes of transportation. The City of Calgary recently made the cycle lanes downtown permanent, which supported over a million bicycle trips in its pilot period. With increased reach of our public transit system, too, Calgary’s been seeing a steady rise in public transit commuters. Not only does less car use keep our air clean, reducing congestion on our roads also reduces the amount of time people sit in traffic, their car engines idling. Way to go, Calgary!

2. Diverting Waste. Whereas recycling used to be a chore, now it’s a standard that we all work towards. The City of Calgary’s blue cart recycling program has helped standardize our recycling needs and diverted 410 million kilograms from the landfill between 2009 and 2015. With that in place, now compost is on the rise. Great organizations like Hop Compost have been at the forefront, but this year the Green Carts are coming to Calgary, showing that Calgarians are being armed with a greater understanding of why it’s important to divert our waste from the landfill.

3. Water Conservation. Our water is a precious resource, and Calgarians are working hard to keep it. Between Water Harvesting Canada, The City of Calgary’s water efficiency goals, and our own rain barrels, Calgarians have saved a lot of water. This keeps water out of the treatment process, saving energy and money!

4. Energy Revolution. The way we get our energy is changing all the time. Energy efficiency, renewable energy resources, and economic diversity are household topics these days. Alberta is finding its legs in this new world – helped along by organizations and individuals in the province. Bullfrog Power recently highlighted the accomplishments of Jordan Webber here in Alberta, and it’s inspiring to see their #currentsofchange right here at home. Green Calgary’s Energy Revolution Fair will bring together youth from across Calgary this summer to share their ideas about a sustainable future, too!

How do you get involved with the change? Make this your Do Year! Reach out to those in your community, keep educated about what’s happening right here, and slowly we will reach our goal of making Calgary the most sustainable city in the world. Our newsletters are a great place to start!

Originally posted JANUARY 28, 2017


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